Friday, July 25, 2008

When in chains ...

At Mississippi State University, there is a place called the "Free Speach Area" ... basicly a raised concrete platform with some benches on it where if you had something to say in a public forum, you could. One day I happened to be walking by and there was a dude preaching the gospel from this platform. A crowd (many of them my friends) had gathered around him and they were yelling insults at him. I stood there, long jet black hair, black leather jacket, black jeans and combat boots and observed this thing ... then walked away. I was not a Christian at that time, but this was a seed planting moment.
We really don't know who is being affected by our words or actions at any given time ... even moments when we feel ineffective, incapable or even trapped or persecuted. In the letter to Philemon, Paul wrote: "I appeal to you for my son Onesimus, whom I have begotten while in my chains." Paul was bearing fruit even while confined and in chains.
Every moment in a Christians life is a seed planting opportunity. Whether there's just enough time for an acknowledging smile or 5 minutes from a concrete bench or 2 hours from a pulpit. Every moment counts.