Thursday, July 31, 2008

Precious Faith

When I was playing music professionally, I had a drive to improve and grow musically. This was evidenced in the amount of practice that I placed into it in band rehearsal and in personal time. While I was in college, my commitment level to music was such that I drove a total of 6 hours three times a week just for band rehearsals ... when you add in shows, I don't know how I managed to graduate from college. My desire to do well in music was genuine.

Soften my heart, O Lord, and help me to regard this gift of faith more highly than gold or silver. I love reading the Psalms because I'm always blown away by the honesty with which the Psalmist approaches God. Never afraid to speak right from the center of his being, often the words are questioning. Often the words are probing. Often the words express depression so deep and excitement so high it's hard to imagine reading a Psalm with the same emotion with which it was penned. While teaching a bible college class on 1 Peter, I came across two words that really struck me. In verse 7 of the first chapter, there are two words ... genuine faith.
These words challenge me. I think of 1 John where it talks about evidences of faith and hits really hard on love. The truth of our love ... the actions of our love ... proof of our faith. Lord, teach me to love others.