I'm at the house that the Lord provided for some of us to sleep in. It's really a neat thing because the couple that own it only purchased it on Friday - just in time for the arrival of some of God's soldiers.
I really feel like I am about to enter into warfare on an immense scale. I would have liked to see a huge army in this but it seems the Lord has chosen an elite but small force of servants backed up by the prayers of thousands. I know that Satan has made plans and I know that already some of those plans have been thwarted in no small part thanks to the covering of prayer. (Thanks to everyone who is praying for this outreach. I would encourage everyone to attwnd the prayer vigils at CCOT on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.)
Like Gideon's three hundred we camp in wait for the time God has prepared.
"Arise for the Lord has delivered the camp of Midian into your hand." Judges 7:15 (Partial).
-- Post From My iPhone