To the great surprise
It's "Papa don't peek.
Papa cover your eyes."
Then they hide.
They hide in the world.
- Leonard Cohen "Night Comes On"
My son has just recently started playing hide and seek. He doesn't quite grasp the idea, though. He wants me to cover my eyes and count to ten. While I do that he takes off running, but he doesn't hide. Instead, he runs around through the kitchen and the living room and back to me. When I open my eyes, there he is smiling and giggling - and I love it.
If you've been reading my blog much, you know that I'm going to draw a correlation between this and my relationship with my Heavenly Father. I'm amazed by the spiritual lessons the Lord is teaching me through my son. When I write that, I feel kinda odd because I'm the spiritual leader yet my young son teaches me some of the deepest lessons.
I hope my son always keeps a tender heart towards me. I hope he's never able to hide from me. I've done some stuff and learned some things. I have a lot I want to share with him (Proverbs 15:1).
Sometimes we all try to hide from God - Whether it's not going to church, not praying to Him, not reading our Bibles or not listening to His instruction.
The Lord speaks to me a lot through my son and I hope that I always keep a tender enough heart to hear and receive. If I neglect the things I've listed above I risk that my heart may grow hard towards my Father.
We each really only have one thing that is truly ours - our hearts. Who are you giving your heart to?
Who does the Lord use in your life to teach you spiritual lessons?