Friday, March 27, 2009

What are you leaking?

Heb 3:5-6
And Moses indeed was faithful in all His house as a servant, for a testimony of those things which would be spoken afterward,6 but Christ as a Son over His own house, whose house we are if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm to the end.

Moses was faithful in the house that he was entrusted with. Are we faithful with the houses we are entrusted with? What about the temple of the Holy Spirit … you? What comes in goes out.We leak and those around us get wet.What are we leaking? It’s what we receive into ourselves. Television, Music, Movies, Internet, Books, Friends … the stakes are high. If we allow the world into us, we will leak the world into our families and friends. Didn’t Jesus say in Matthew 5:37 to let our “'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No.' For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.” We need to be single minded and Kingdom driven; focused. We need to understand the subtleties of the devil and be aware of his schemes.

In June 1940 France fell to Hitler and suddenly Britain found herself the lone bastion of freedom in Europe. It was at this time that Winston-Churchill delivered one of his best known and most powerful speeches …

Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this island or lose the war. If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, “This was their finest hour.”

It is time for Christians to realize that their house (the family and friend relationships God has entrusted us with) is where satan is directing his attack. He’s not fighting in the crack houses, the bars, or the brothels … there is no battle there. The battle is in our homes and we must fight back. Much of what is going on today falls squarely in the laps of lazy pastors who would rather teach their pet topic instead of the Bible. Sure there are a few scripture references here or there, but it's like going into a restaurant expecting a buffet and only getting a piece of lettuce. After lazy pastors comes lazy husbands/spiritual leaders of the home. We all have to wake up! As the church continues to lose ground in this country, it comes down to bold pastors and bold spiritual leaders who are willing to "brace ourselves to our duties ..."

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day 3 #CTB

OK ... so I waited a few days out from the last day before I blogged on it, so I probably don't recall all of the details.  One thing I do remember from the last day is the way everyone pulled together to make this one of the greatest events I've ever been a part of.  Sure, by that point we were all tired and operating off of minimal sleep, but the Lord gave us what we needed to do it and do it well.  The bands were all just incredible every night and this final night was no exceptions.  Billy Buchanan and his band are not only incredibly gifted, but they are just great people.  Salvador, even with all their success are great guys to work with.  The greatest thing about #ctb was that hundreds of people came to a saving faith in Jesus.  That's why we did it and that's why the bands did it.  All the fun and everything else was just a fringe benefit of working for God. 
We'll be doing more of these events and I would like to encourage you to consider being involved in some way.  I'm sure when it is decided when and where the next #CTB will be held, I will announce it here and it will be announced in many other media outlets.  
God bless you all!
- shawn

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Day 2 - #CTB

So I didn't have time to type this as the day progressed. It's now day 3 and I'm gonna try to recap day 2.
The Katinas arrived first. Both bands were from California. They came in, shared a lunch with us then soundcheked and went to their hotel for some rest.
Two or More was after them. I had pre-arranged to have Pastor David sit in with them for a few songs which went great.
Both of these groups are extremely talented. Glad they came in to do this with us.
Really everything went very smooth the whole night. I think 42 people accepted Jesus so the total for these last two nigts is around 130 decisions. Awesome. God is good.
I'm doing lots of updates during the course of the day on Twitter so follow me at

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, March 21, 2009

#CTB - Day 1

Man, I've gotten soft from when I would tour. Didn't get much sleep last night. Started out the morning at 6am and will have to run on God-steam today. I didn't have dinner last night so even though I'm going to be late this morning I felt it was best to go ahead and take a tide to IHOP when it was offered.

First part of the day is crazy with set up and bands and radio arriving. I booked the bands and am coordinating them for soundchecks and radio interviews. Trying to update twitter and facebook with pictures all the time. Follow me on twitter for pics and updates of the event (

First up is Shachah. In Hebrew Shachah means "worship" or to prostrate oneself in an act of worship. The first letter on the word is the Hebrew letter Shin. Remember the Spock signal - Mr Nemoy got that idea from a hand position the Cohenim would use that replicated the shape of this letter. It looks apt like a W but more rounded on the bottom. Ha Shem means "the Name" and stands for God since religious Jews do not say or spell G_d. Shachah rocked the house.
Next is Stellar Kart. These guys have played CCOT a few times and they rocked the place out. Fun music with quick powerful rhythms and great guitar work.
To end the night of music, Sanctus Real. Real rockers these guys are. The crowd loved them. Their singer has a great stage presence and one great thing about all of these bands is they have great attitudes and want to win people for Christ.
After that, Pastor David did his thing and I'm not sure of the number but lots of people came forward. The night was a victory for the Kimgdom and a defeat for hell.
Didn't get back to the bed until 3am. Next up - day 2.

-- Post From My iPhone

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Night Before the First Battle

Alright so after a marathon drive of 17 hrs we are here. It really shouldn't have taken that long but we hit a traffic jam that set us back 3 hours.

I'm at the house that the Lord provided for some of us to sleep in. It's really a neat thing because the couple that own it only purchased it on Friday - just in time for the arrival of some of God's soldiers.

I really feel like I am about to enter into warfare on an immense scale. I would have liked to see a huge army in this but it seems the Lord has chosen an elite but small force of servants backed up by the prayers of thousands. I know that Satan has made plans and I know that already some of those plans have been thwarted in no small part thanks to the covering of prayer. (Thanks to everyone who is praying for this outreach. I would encourage everyone to attwnd the prayer vigils at CCOT on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.)

Like Gideon's three hundred we camp in wait for the time God has prepared.
"Arise for the Lord has delivered the camp of Midian into your hand." Judges 7:15 (Partial).

-- Post From My iPhone


Just sat in traffic on 95 for two hours and made 3 miles progress. Potty break time.

-- Post From My iPhone

Chik-fil-a - Jacksonville

-- Post From My iPhone

Hide & Seek

Then they lead me away
To the great surprise
It's "Papa don't peek.
Papa cover your eyes."
Then they hide.
They hide in the world.
- Leonard Cohen "Night Comes On"

My son has just recently started playing hide and seek. He doesn't quite grasp the idea, though. He wants me to cover my eyes and count to ten. While I do that he takes off running, but he doesn't hide. Instead, he runs around through the kitchen and the living room and back to me. When I open my eyes, there he is smiling and giggling - and I love it.
If you've been reading my blog much, you know that I'm going to draw a correlation between this and my relationship with my Heavenly Father. I'm amazed by the spiritual lessons the Lord is teaching me through my son. When I write that, I feel kinda odd because I'm the spiritual leader yet my young son teaches me some of the deepest lessons.

I hope my son always keeps a tender heart towards me. I hope he's never able to hide from me. I've done some stuff and learned some things. I have a lot I want to share with him (Proverbs 15:1).

Sometimes we all try to hide from God - Whether it's not going to church, not praying to Him, not reading our Bibles or not listening to His instruction.

The Lord speaks to me a lot through my son and I hope that I always keep a tender enough heart to hear and receive. If I neglect the things I've listed above I risk that my heart may grow hard towards my Father.

We each really only have one thing that is truly ours - our hearts. Who are you giving your heart to?

Who does the Lord use in your life to teach you spiritual lessons?

Saturday, March 14, 2009


This morning (like many mornings) my 2 1/2 year old son woke me up by climbing into bed with me. For 10 or more minutes he and I lay together - his head resting on my chest and my arms around him. There is so much joy in that - I cannot really express it.

Then God spoke to me ... "This morning My child came to Me and laid his head on My chest. He sang with Me and listened to My wisdom. His delight was in Me and Mine in him."

I had not done this ... So I went to a quiet place and rested my head on my Father's chest.

-- Post From My iPhone